Solidarity with Ukraine

Phones, Post


Long-distance calls within Poland
If calling long distance within Poland, dial a city code (e.g. 56 for Toruń) and a phone number. In the telephone directory (KSIĄŻKA TELEFONICZNA) you will find a lot of useful information such as area codes (e.g. 00-48 for Poland and 56 for Toruń) as well as addresses of embassies and consulates.

International calls from Poland
If dialing outside of Poland, dial '00' followed by the country code, and then the rest of the number. If you call from your mobile phone, use '+' instead of '00'.

Calls to Poland
Toruń can be reached from abroad by dialling 0048 (country code) + 56 (city code) and the phone number.

For information on calling from your room in the student dormitory, please see Section ACCOMMODATION.

Mobile phones

Mobile phones are ubiquitous in Poland. At the moment there are 4 major operators of mobile communications in Poland: T-Mobile, Plus GSM, Orange, and Play. In the Old Town, you will find many sales points of those networks. Each network offers phones with a prepaid calling card (NA KARTĘ), such as T-Mobile prepaid, Heyah, Plus prepaid, Orange prepaid. That kind of phone seems very attractive since it does not tie you into any kind of contract. If you already have a mobile phone which has no SIM-lock, you only need to buy a start package. Cards to such phones are available in every KIOSK and some of them might be loaded in cash dispensers (BANKOMAT).


Post offices (POCZTA), which sell stamps and provide many other services (e.g. sending telegrams and faxes), are widely distributed throughout Poland. They are open from 8.00 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Monday-Friday). The main post office in Toruń is situated in Rynek Staromiejski 15 (the Old Market) and is open from 8.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. (Monday-Friday) and from 8.00 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturdays. A 24-hour service is provided by the post office at the railway station. Postcards and letters cost about 2-3 zł depending on the destination. Expect prioritaire (PRIORYTET) mail to take about 3 to 5 days in Europe and 1 week outside Europe. Standard mail is a little slower. Once you have got your postage, mail your letters and postcards in a red box. Parcels should be sent from the post office at the back of the main post office in ul. Piekary.

Guide for Visitors